Salus Cons

Salus Cons is named after the Latin word “salus”, meaning safety, security and health, three areas that we deal with, providing services in the field of medical devices and information security.

"Semper et ubique"  - always and everywhere

As an authorized representative of medical device manufacturers, we take care of our clients – manufacturers, as well as end users and patients, through the vigilance of medical devices.

Our motto “semper et ubique” (always and everywhere) reflects our commitment to clients, medical users and patients.

About Us

Salus Cons is a company registered for provision of the service of an authorized representative in the European Union to manufacturers established outside the Union.

Salus Cons is registered in the EUDAMED database as an authorized representative under the single registration number (SRN) HU-AR-000006177.


After officially publishing the new version of ISO/IEC 27001 (Information security management systems – Requirements) on October 25 […]

MDR transition extension

On 15 March 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/607 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Regulations (EU) […]

PRRC training

On February 28, 2023, we conducted a training for Persons responsible for regulatory compliance (PRRC) as defined in […]